The title says it all.
This it the first weekend I have done nothing and have felt no (minimal) guilt.
No, not really, as I'm typing this I'm already feeling the guilt seeping in:
Should I be reading this? When do I start writing? Am I doing enough?
Same old same old.
To recap my first semester as a PhD student:
1. I finally have a full functioning lab! And now for the recruitment of RA's..
2. I am writing a theoretical paper with both my advisor and another junior faculty.. exciting!
3. I have started coding data, and hopefully be able to finish it next semester, and start writing my PCP soon! I'm on time I hope?..
Honestly, while my master's did not reflect how it would be like being a phd student,
it definitely helped me prepare in terms of readings and meeting the expectations of a "grad student".
I definitely felt that I was more prepared when compared to undergrads.
Then again, if your ultimate goal is to get a PhD anyway,
I would still recommend going straight into a PhD program.
My brain's kinda dead.
And I'm kinda lazy to be typing/writing.
So I guess that's all for now.