Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 2014

Is the world coming to an end?
Is there anything we can do about it?
Oh before we go further on this morbid topic, welcome to 2014:
A new year, a new beginning. A change in the way we sign the date at the bottom of the page.
I don't see anything to be excited about. 
And with this NEW year,
The same old shit, same old challenges, same old hardship, same old me.
You're still in school; doing the same boring homework,
Or maybe you're still doing the same thing at the same job you hate;
so what is new really?
Why the fuck do we celebrate the coming of a new year as if it is something really exciting?

I sound so bitter. Which really isn't the case. I'm just weird. 
This year's epiphany is that new and exciting and being just different is really a matter of perception.
I realize I'm going to the same school, studying about the same old things, but yet I find something new in every class i go to, a new information, or a new way to handle people i find annoying and hateful. I find joy in still being a student, i love slaving myself to achieve the best grades possible. I even enjoy being beaten down and challenged sometimes by things and tasks i find difficult, followed by the sense of achievement when i finally conquer that one exam or assignment. It's fun, and it's coming to an end. That's not fun. 

But maybe 2013 has really changed me. What am I saying, of course it has!
I'm dealing with the same insecurities and uncertainties, maybe even more, but yet hope and joy and most importantly of all faith seems to lead the way perfectly fine. 
Faith in God's plan, in my own ability to adapt and persevere no matter how bad the situation may be, not that it will be bad lol, but also faith in that you know, things always work out for the best. If you know what I mean. 

I've got so many things to look forward to. SO many.
And so many things to be grateful for. 
Life is overwhelming sometimes, but that is life. 

And i enjoy it, a lot. 

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