Saturday, July 21, 2012

Clairie Berry Strawberry

I never understood why my mum liked to boast about my academic results in school back then.
Or tell her friends how I'm faring well in my arts or piano lessons.
Or talk about how helpful I was around the house (Haha!)
But I'm glad to be her joy and pride. *tearyeyed*

Moving on.

But then I guess the pride of a mum is indescribable and highly difficult to understand,
if you have not experienced it.
I found it weird why mummies would opt to show everyone their "cute" child,
or talk (to anyone who listens) about how "clever" their child is in reciting their ABCs.

Until I met Claire.

And how I cannot stop bragging about her cuteness and wittiness.

For starters (and a disclaimer),
she's not my daughter.
No surprise there.

And secondly,
she was actually part of the reason why I had to do extra work during my internship!
She was an added responsibility,
as she was the only child at that time to be attending play school classes.
I was given the responsibility to care for her, one to one,
and when I say care I mean,
eat, class, nap, pee and poo.


No laaa..
I enjoyed every. single. moment . spent with her.
I daresay its the highlight of my internship!

Ok, I'm not gonna lie and say the poo part was fun,
but damn!
I remember the first time she poo-ed in the toilet instead of her diaper!
*tearyeyed again*

I know you wouldn't want to listen about me brag about how smart she is,
how she can read like a 6 year old,
how witty she can be,
how adorable she is when she laughs,
and how she responds to "laugh" rather than "smile" during picture taking.

Sure, you wouldn't want to know that she has perfect memory,
and can hold a conversation with an adult at any given time,
or that she can write 1-10 at only the age of 3, recite all her ABCs, write her name and recite the San Zi Jing as well.

I mean,
you're not interested right?

So I'll just keep it to myself la.


This post is becoming a bit too lengthy!

All I actually wanted to say was, I had a date with Clairie Berry yes-yesterday! 
And I had so so so much fun! <3

# 1 She brought her fav Poppin Cookin over to play

# 2 Having fun with Teacher Carmen's plushies. Apparently she enjoys being a Tiger.. Haha

# 3 I made dinner! We share the same favorite food - Fish Biscuits!

# 4 And I dunno what I did to deserve this. Thanks again Lovell! T.T

Oh, and as much as you guys don't give a damn about this cute, adorable, smart, pretty little girl,
this post shall be a reminder of how you changed my life Clairie Berry Strawberry!

You have taught me so much (other than the vocabs),
and God bless that you will grow up to be a successful and xing-fu person!

Teacher Carmen loves you very much and will be looking forward to see you soon!


P/s: A very BIG thank you to Mummy Lovell for making all this happen. Without you none of this would be possible! :)

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