Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tips for Puking Like a Pro

It's been a long time since I fell sick.
And to actually feel sick.

Threw up thrice yesterday.
Twice today.
I must say I've learned quite alot.

Tip #1
If you think you're going to throw up, don't eat. Simple as that.

Tip #2
If you deem it necessary to puke, do it right after your meal. The chances are, they still taste the same. Wait any longer and they taste... bad.

Tip #3
Try not to puke in a public toilets. Cos concerned passerby will be distracting your puking process. And plus, it's not nice to frighten others.

Tip #4
No spicy food. Period.

Tip #5
Yogurt actually tastes good as puke.

So anyway,
I'm trying to focus on the bright side.
This whole ordeal better make me lose a few pounds!


1 comment:

  1. dont forget creamy food like milk can make your puke feeling worse !
