Thanks you "Days of the Week", although i have absolutely no idea who u r.
Anyway, One week after the big day,
and i'm finally settled down to blog.
not the best b'day ever, but still, there was nuthin to complain.
pics will be uploaded very soon in the next post.
or u can see the unfiltered one (translation: ugly pics included) on my facebook account.
for now, it will be the roll of thank you's and credits to those who really cared.
My bday celebration was done in 3 parts.
Part 1: Family gathering.Dad's eyes had some complications.
cousins slept over.
I like get togethers.
but sumthing was just not rite.
Part 2: the surprise by the was not a surprise.
ok, maybe i was a lil surprise at their efforts.
but i hate myself sumtimes for being able to see thru these kind of stuffs.
on the day itself, dolled myself up and had a real good time with yaya babe.
only the two of us.
disheartenng somehow, but enlightening.
twas better than faking myself.
wanted to cry at many different moments.
i was happy.
i was sad at the same time too.
part 3: baby bulan's back.accident happened
no one was hurt.
thank god.
warm weekend.
lazed around, enjoying the clock ticking by.
actually, it wasn't wat i expected.
but still, it brings eveything to an end.
Thank you
Yaya for going the extra mile, all for me.
thank you
Chian, for wishing me Happy birthday at all possible locations.
thank you
JY, SW, Carmen, ZW, AL, and my
G. teacher for remembering my birthday.
thank you
CK for being the loyal fren. and dear
Bear for plain remembering.
these were some of the ppl that so unexpectedly rmb wat was dear to me.
I heart u ppl. all of u.
u made my day a really special one.
oh ya, and to
baby bulan.thank you for everything too.